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" Institute of Complex Engineering " Ltd is registered by solution of Registration chamber of St.-Petersburg 31121 from December, 22nd, 1995. The firm was founded by employees «Atomenergoproject» (St.-Petersburg) - 4 participants., Open Company MC "Magnit” (St.-Petersburg) - 4 participants and «VNIPIET» (the Sosnovy Bor) - 2 participants.The capital of the Society was made with 20 000  rbl.(in the present prices).

Old Millenium

1996 Continue...


1997 Continue...


1998 Continue...


1999 Continue...


2000 Continue...


First five years of existence of ICE Ltd.- the period of non-payments in atomic engineering of Russia. As a result of struggle for a survival the firm creates the sales department, engaged carrying out of clearings for delivery of the electric power with power grids and firms - manufacturers liquid (basically food) production. For five years (on 2000) ICE Ltd.has fulfilled 41 clearing on own design operations during which it has been realized: canned food (meat, dairy, vegetable) - 721 769 банок, oils creamy - 120 420 kg, beef I of a category - 14 327 kg, sausages - 6 944 kg, shampoos - 69 439 bottles, jersey - 3 369 units.