" Institute of Complex Engineering "
Ltd is registered by solution of Registration chamber of St.-Petersburg 31121 from
December, 22nd, 1995. The firm was founded by employees «Atomenergoproject» (St.-Petersburg)
- 4 participants., Open Company MC "Magnit” (St.-Petersburg) - 4 participants and «VNIPIET»
(the Sosnovy Bor) - 2 participants.The capital of the Society was made with 20 000 rbl.(in the present prices).
First five years of existence of ICE Ltd.- the period of non-payments in atomic engineering of Russia. As a result of struggle for a survival the firm creates the sales department, engaged carrying out of clearings for delivery of the electric power with power grids and firms - manufacturers liquid (basically food) production. For five years (on 2000) ICE Ltd.has fulfilled 41 clearing on own design operations during which it has been realized: canned food (meat, dairy, vegetable) - 721 769 банок, oils creamy - 120 420 kg, beef I of a category - 14 327 kg, sausages - 6 944 kg, shampoos - 69 439 bottles, jersey - 3 369 units. |