About company
ICE Ltd.- the design organization which is created with the purpose of association of creative potential of the experts having long-term experience of execution of design operations on such objects as the Leningrad and Kursk nuclear power plants, Sayano-Shushenskay and the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, last school Minsredmasha and Ministry for the Power Generating Industry of the USSR. Минсредмаша и Минэнерго СССР.
Designing of reconstruction of nuclear servers and hydroelectric power stations became the first and main sort of activity of firm. Later (in 2001) numbers of employees were enlarged by the qualified experts - architects, designers and designers in the field of civil designing, and the architectonic-building department created on this basis performs design operations on all sections of projects inhabited, industrial, trading and public buildings and constructions, including realization of functions General designer.
Since 2004 in firm the direction of designing in the field of storage and processings of radioactive and chemically dangerous scrap fast develops. The number of fulfilled ICE Ltd of developments has received in 2005 a high estimation of Committee on wildlife management of Administration of St.-Petersburg for successful applications of high technologies.
For ten years of operation of ICE Ltd
has fulfilled more than 600 design developments and
has a many letter of thanks from Customers for a high
professional level of operation. The operational
experience accumulated by firm allows to undertake
now design tasks practically any level of complexity,
both in designing civil objects, and in designing
separate systems and units of nuclear servers.
In firm it is inserted and successfully the System
of a quality management on MS ISO 9001 functions. Experts of ICE Ltd.it is regular, not less often than time in two years, pass{take place} study at courses of improvement of qualification, and also certifications.
We aspire
give to our Customers as much as possible complete
complex of services, to perform operations in due
time and with excellent quality, permanently to
develop after technologies and requirements
of the Customer.